Rosemarie Trockel and Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd – at Moderna Museet Malmö

During winter it is important to feed your soul and body with uplifting and stimulating experiences. A good way to do so is to experience some art. Right now Moderna Museet Malmö is showing interesting art works by esteemed artists like Rosemarie Trockel, Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd and Louise Bourgeois.

Moderna Museet in Malmö is a satellite museum to fabulous Moderna Museet in Stockholm, one of our favorite museums in Sweden. Moderna Malmö opened up in 2009 with some spectacular exhibitions showing some of the greatest art works from Moderna Museet’s collections – amongst the most significant ones was Robert Rauschenberg’s Monogram and paintings by Andy Warhol et al. However, the museum has been a bit of a disappointment as things slowly started deteriorating. Exhibitions got not very interesting, the house was semi closed for renovation and well.. It didn’t exactly stimulate us for a long time. Malmö Konsthall made so much more interesting exhibitions like the one with Siri Aurdal that we have written about before.

Rosemarie Trockel

But now it seems Moderna Malmö is getting back on track. Rosemarie Trockel is a fascinating artist working with paintings, objects, photography, video. Very different expressions, textures, techniques – but also many hidden topics. When standing in front of one of her photographs you can find details in the art work that suddenly gives a totally different meaning to what you are looking at, the narrative changes. We recommend taking a moment to study each piece to loose yourself in her art work.

Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd

Things come full circle for the exhibition of Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd “Alias: CFR”. As his works are very well represented in Moderna Museet’s collections it seems that when renovations in Malmö are finally over and done with – CFR is a logical choice to exhibit. The exhibition focuses on Reuterswärd’s early 60s with the conceptual Kilroy works like above – combined with his late expressive paintings from 1998-2001. Reuterswärd had suffered a stroke in 1989 and had to learn to paint with his left hand instead of the right. He is said to have found it extremely liberating.

Rosemarie Trockel is showing until 17th of March 2019, Reuterswärd until 5th of May. Coming up in March is a grand exhibition of Andy Warhol focusing on the assassination attempt and the political dynamics of 1968, opening March 30th.   


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